Friday, June 6, 2008


Not a good day today.

Started with bad morning, getting up late, feeling slightly dazed.

Bad gym session, inconsistent and incoherent.

Tried to finish the Van de Graaf generator I nearly finished yesterday...alas, the rubber belt snaps off the bottom axle, and by trying to repair that for an hour, I break the top fuse axle. I try to solder off a new one, but that breaks too.

I waste a lot of in between time watching the Simpsons for no reason when I could be doing something else more productive.

Bad tennis game.

Lakers lose.

I try to be productive, but all my unproductivities stand out and I lose motivation.

A 노할머니 in Korea that I just recently met the previous summer is in very critical condition.

I don't like to post these kind of things anymore where I recount my seems bland, repetitive and cliche. But today was especially bad relative to the rest of my summer.

The family is in the process of moving to San Clemente (maybe Rancho Bernardo?). We're in an apartment right now in a sort of moving "limbo." We'll be moving to phase two of this limbo in a few weeks when we rent out a house in San Clemente for 6 months before the new house. Its a bit self-centered, but I feel that I won't have any connection to this new house just because I won't be there when we move in.

How I wish humans had no obligation to anything. If we could just pursue whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted without worrying about any sort of implications, no second guessing, etc.

I think I'll sleep this day off and hope for a better one tomorrow.

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