Sunday, February 15, 2009

The next step in human evolution...a step backwards?

We live in a void. The concept of "the world" comes from the many bonds or relationships that exist between human beings. It is the state of the particular bonds that connect to you that determine what individual you are. But it is so hard to maintain that individual in this claustrophobic world. We are exposed to so many other relationships that we forget our own. It is much easier to watch than to act.

Relationships are what make "the world." Science, art, and God are what those relationships are composed of. Our worlds are created, destroyed, and remade on these relationships.

Studying is so difficult when you ask "why" questions. Sometimes I don't feel like I'm cut out for engineering. My colleagues are so quick and have a much deeper foundations in analytical thinking. I love that sort of stuff, but everyday I doubt my future competence in the field. The competition is furious now. It will only increase.

UCSD is a difficult school. Its hard to study and live there.

I read the story behind Edward Munch's The Scream. He was walking through the park with friends when he suddenly felt chilled. He slowed down a little while his friends walked ahead and recognized that chill to the "silent scream of nature" ringing through his head. It was interesting because if I, or any person for that matter, were to meet him at that moment of inspiration, there would be no signifier. You would think he just slowed from a bad lunch or a cramp. I suppose inspiration comes in such forms.

I have so much hope invested in studying abroad. Here's a little list of places I am thinking of studying in:
  1. Zurich, Switzerland
  2. Berlin, Germany
  3. Lausanne, Switzerland
  4. Geneva, Switzerland (yes, I really liked Switzerland!)
  5. Grenoble, France
  6. Munich, Germany
  7. London, U.K.
  8. Heidelberg, Germany
  9. Osaka, Japan (not so sure about this one...)
Europe seems like a great place. I've been to both Asia and Europe, but its been a while since I've been to Europe (4th grade).

Woody Allen is a great director. I've only seen two of his movies: Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and Crimes and Misdemeanors. I want to watch his comedy Play it Again, Sam.

My eyes are getting worse, I think. Is it 'cause of the new glasses? I hope not!

Happy Valentines Day! Hooray for still being single...haha.

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