Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Listening to James Taylor's "Fire and Rain."

There's something about American folk and country music. It's just drowsy and melancholy enough to make you happy. If that makes any sense.

I saw David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive" today. It is a great film. Style and atmosphere. It makes me want to be a filmmaker and drop engineering. But Lord knows, I'm not cut out for show business.

Coffee. I've taken the first step towards dependency. 1 cup a day is a minimum now. Having taken this first step, I've also come up with some tasty combinations for breakfast:
  • 1 shot Espresso + 1 croissant
  • 2 shot Espresso + Danish (don't ask me why 2 shots. it just is.)
  • 1 cup black as hell coffee + 2 donuts
Coffee goes good with a hearty American continental (eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, etc) too. I just haven't had time to sit down and have a big breakfast for a while.

Los Angeles is such a wonderful city. Everyday I beat myself up for not investing more time and effort in exploring and getting familiar with L.A. A goal of mine is to take a phototour of every city in the area. I could learn some photography AND learn about L.A. Two birds with one stone?

I am afraid for the outcome of this quarter. I don't think I have ever been this lazy before. Apathetic and bored. Even for my major classes. I suppose, especially for my major classes.

Now listening to America's "Sister Golden Hair"

The word "I." I can't escape it!

I got my insurance back just the weekend before last. Driving is liberating, but it gets tiring fast. I've gotta suck it up and grow a pair: start driving long distances. My incentive is driving up/down the coast listening to 101.1 FM. Motown and Oldies hits. Speaking of music, time to restock my library.

Going back to church every once in a while is a bit surreal. Things have changed so much.

It's settled. My new obsession is Los Angeles. An idealist's obsession, yeah. I don't know what to write about it yet...probably 'cause I know nothing about it! I need that phototour badly...

1 comment:

awkawk said...

i get what you mean with folk music. not country though...not a big fan of country.

the more i think about it, the more i like the movie.

lol this entry made me realize that i also know nothing about LA. well except chinatown. hopefully that's not a good representation of LA.