Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Psalm

The sun rises above
saxophone's first tone
a cadence unnoticed
but there all the same
Set your eyes upon God
and keep them on Him
a man lost direction
his loss and none's gain
Far is the beaten path
to that concrete lair
where soul is etched in stone
and stone eternal
The route cross barren lands
bears no prior tracks
the Ranger knows not tongue
so speak with the soul
At the end, a city
men leave its bright Lights
with heads full of knowledge
pursuing exit
finding none
only concrete
and stone
I pass
through Lights
gas trash gun
rust smoke bed
knife ash stink
lead booze rope
chain razor tire
child rag cart
street curb cash bank
steel iron gate
home glass film
stair blood drug
leg bar tank
plane band art
life and death
in pursuance of
A silent understanding.


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